Yufan Xie


■Architecture ■Computation ■Interactive Media ■Sound Synthesis

Yufan Xie is a multi-disciplinary designer and artist whose work bridges computational design, music and media art. Yufan’s art delves into the realms of error, chaos, imperceptibility, and disjointed sensory presence, reflecting the dynamics of cultural subtleties and sensory hierarchies behind technologies and sensory experiences.

Notable projects and studies have been showcased at Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale(UABB), Beijing Media Art Biennale(BMAB), Shenzhen MoCAUP, Shanghai Urban Space Art Season(SUSAS), Shanghai Digital Futures, Currents New Media Festival, ACM CHI and SIGGRAPH. Awards winning projects GAP+, Acoustic Garden and Maelstrom are featured at Young-Talent Architect Awards, A+D Design Awards, Epic MegaGrants and SXSW Innovation Awards.

Since 2019, Yufan has been working on audience-directed performance and spatial musical systems. Resonating with neuroscientific process of human brain on pattern recognition, the series of experiment brings new framework on media art, music, and architectural practices, revoking discourses upon mental health issue and decision making process in our current era of message.


For professional consulting services(data visualization, geometry optimization, rendering, generative design, sound scoring in Rhino/Grasshopper, Unreal Engine, C#, MAX/MSP, Ableton Live and etc) please contact [email protected].


2019 – 2021  SoA, University of Southern California, M.Arch , Los Angeles

2018 Exchange at SoA, West Minster University, London

2014 – 2019  SoA, Central Academy of Fine Arts, B.Arch, A9 Studio, Beijing



2021.7 – now Computational Designer at Refik Anadol Studio

2020 MADA s.p.a.m LA Internship

2020 Rhino Studio, Grasshopper Animation Tutorial

2020 USC ARCH 410 Class Assistant, Grasshopper Tutor with Erin Cuevas

2020 Usability Lead of USC AGP Game“Beat the Beat Up

2017-2019  Member of Parametric Research Group Team CAFA

2017.9-11   Tuning Synesthesia Internship – 3D printing Researcher


2024 SXSW Innovation Awards Finalist

2021  A+D Museum Design Award, Runner-Up

2021  Robert Bradford Newman Student Medal for Merit in Architectural Acoustics awarded by the Acoustical Society of America.

2021  Epic Megagrants Recipient- Acoustic Garden

2020  YTAA(Young Talent Architect Award) Shortlisted

2020  Gensler Diversity Scholarship

2019  1st Place Winner, CAFA Graduate Design

2019  Qianlixing Scholarship


2024 Currents New Media festival – Santa Fe, NM, US

2023 Evolutionary Space – Berlin

2023 Evolutionary Space – Shanghai

2023 SUSAS (Shanghai Urban Space Art Season), Shanghai

2023 4C Gallery LA, AI & NI Group Exhibition, LA

2023 Beijing Media Arts Binnale

2023 Broken Spring 搞砸春天 Exhibition, TANKO, Beijing

2023 Spectra Studio, Audio-Visual Night, LA

2021 Sci-Ficene, Art and Science Concept Exhibition, The Unknown City, Beijing

2020 Breeze and the Man-made, Beijing

2020 Art NOVA 100 – The Unknown Cities, Beijing

2019 UABB Shenzhen Binnale ExhibitionThe Unknown City

Lectures & Conferences

2024 SIGGRAPH Immersive Pavilion – Acoustic Garden: Exploring Accessibility and Interactive Music with Distance-related Audio Effect Modulation in XR
2024 CHI Interactivity: Maelstrom: Spatial Instrument and Decision Making Tool Based on Pattern Progression
2023 Space Computation and Sensory Practice – SoA, Central Academy of Fine Arts
2022 Tsinghua Design Futures, Future Art Network Salon No.5 – Sensory Integration & Spatial Narratives in the Future

2022 Digital Futures, CDRF(The 5th International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication) – A Slime old System Based on Skeletonization Errors

2021 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Shifting Computation – Tangible to Intangible

2021 Organizer of Acoustic Future forum

2020 Tsinghua Design Future – “Tangible vs Intangible”

2020 USCA Research Symposium, The Unknown City


2024 2024 SXSW Innovation Awards Finalists Announced

2024 VISION青年视觉:在声音的世界里,我们在感知什么?

2024 双城策展 | “演化的空间” Vol.02/03 柏林 Evolutionary Space: De-Elemental (Visit BerlinArtRabbitForesight News )

2024 MANA: 跨时区数字空间艺术&沉浸式新媒体互动体验 全球巡展第二站

2023 数字艺术全球群展 |「演化的空间」上海站 Evolutionary Space Shanghai (Foresight News)

2023 空间视听装置《大漩涡》 – 在信息浪潮中重拾方向(雅昌艺术中国VOGUE

2023 US Art News: Beyond the Visual: ‘Maelstrom’ Initiates a New Dialogue between Senses and Information

2020 《微风与人造之物》启幕,探讨自然与人造之物的有机互联(CAFA雅昌

2020 新展预告 | 微风与人造之物(鸿坤美术馆搜狐

2020 《九座城市,万种未来》专访系列之谢雨帆

2020 凤凰艺术 | 科幻是一种工作方式(上) :从深港双年展的 “九座城市,万种未来”出发

2020 UABB云观展 – 特别项目《九座城市·万种未来》

2020 world-architect.com: Yufan Xie – YTAA 2020 Asia Shortlist

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