
“Acapopella” is a multimedia project exploring the parallels and distortions of self-image in the AI era. Utilizing AI Image-to-Image technology, my portrait is transformed into dozens of mutated forms, highlighting the fragmentation of self-perception. The project addresses issues of supernormal stimuli and sensory overload, prevalent in today’s AI-driven social media environment. It reflects on how these technologies amplify and distort our self-image.


The sound is thw world’s first music experiment that uses speech-to-speech to convert audio and music patterns into speech patterns, and further creates weird, vocal-like synth textures. This auditory experience complements the visual distortions, producing a cohesive sensory overload that challenges perceptions of identity and reality. “Acapopella” aims to provoke thought on the impact of AI on our perception of self and identity.


2024 SIGGRAPH: New Media Architectures Projection Show